Jumat, 17 Januari 2014



Diamond explained thus: 


A real devotee sees that the image is made of God's light. At first a shinning light is seen all round in the image. Then the light develops and covers the image. The image appears to be made of light only. This light does not come from outside but it emits from the eyes of the devotee First it takes the shape of image in outline and then it covers the whole image and lastly there remains the form of image made of God's light. The God is within you and from there comes out His light through your eyes and shrouds the image. Apparently on the surface it appears so, but if a deep penetration is made then it transpires that the devotee is seeing this image of light in his own brain and the happening before his sight is but an outward reflection of his inner condition. At this stage the devotee is not in a position to demarcate the inside from the outside. He knows that it is an outward occurrence. Another realization is cited here which will throw more light and clarify the thing. God is seen. Then various cd rpp sportive forms of God are also seen. By such continuous realizations the body becomes very light. At this stage it is seen that God with form comes out of the body and enters the body again. God in the body makes you know that God with form seen in the outside does not come from without but comes out from your own body. 


If God makes one understand all about God then one understands what God is. If God out of His own accord emanates and manifests Himself from and in the body and realization in full degree covers every stage of transformation of the life force to God then God is seen, understood and can be spoken of. Nobody knows who is God or what is God. If God makes Himself known to you then you are in a state to know. -God emanates from the body and transforms into -no-ego-consciousness' and again from -no-ego-consciousness' comes God with form.-(Sri jual rpp Ramkrishna) God with form is seen in the fourth sheath or the sixth plane. Here the devotee sees his God with form. You are a devotee of Jesus and if God in you takes pity on you then He will come out from your body in the form of Jesus and you will see Him; Nay, you may even talk to Him though not in all cases. There is another form of higher realization of God with forms. Jesus you see before you but that Jesus will transform before your very eyes into Mary, and Mary again may change into Ramkrishna and so on. It makes you conscious that there is one God but He appears in various forms. God without form starts from seeing -Atma' in the cerebrum till God, after various sportive forms, reaches and transforms into -no-ego-consciousness' and if God wills it then He may descend into divine consciousness only to give out- -Not I, but Thou and jual cd rpp Thou.' 


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